About us
Lithuanian National Transplant Bureau (NTB) was established in 1996. Originally it was called National Bureau on Organ Transplantation. The decision was taken by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania, having considered the development of transplantation services in the country. NTB was created with the main aims of fostering further development and ensuring universal accessibility of transplantation services, most optimal and effective distribution of transplantable organs and tissues and protection of rights of donors as well as recipients.
Since its establishment, NTB was led by:
· Mr. Gintaras Rasimavicius (MD) - Director between 1996-1999;
· Mrs. Asta Kubiliene (MD) - present Director, since 2000.
Important milestones:
- 2000 - NTB establishes a National Register of Donors and Recipients for Human Organs, Tissues and Cells. This register is used for maintaining records of persons who have stated acceptance or refusal of post mortem donation of their organs and/or tissues. The Register is also used to maintain the database of recipients, potential and effective donors. A special personal Donor Card is also created, to be carried by people as reference to their listing in the register.
- 2001 - on behalf of the Ministry of Health, NTB signs an agreement with the Ministry of Defence giving an access to use military helicopters for donated organs transportation.
- 2002 - on the initiative of NTB, the Balttransplant association is created, linking transplant coordination centres in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania.
- 2004 - NTB's Internet website www.transplantacija.lt is created;
- 2004 - Lithuania is among 15 European countries who together with the representatives of the European Commission and World Health Organisation sign the Prague Declaration. This declaration provided for improved international cooperation in the field of organ donation and transplantation through the establishment of the European Transplant Network. Also in accordance with the terms of this agreement, several NTB specialists every year improve their skills at international development courses.
- 2006 - NTB signs a cooperation agreement with the Polish transplant coordination centre Poltransplant.
- 2007 - NTB publishes a first issue of its periodic newsletter „Transplantacija“. It is used to inform medical community as well as patients about NTB work, various news and status of transplantation activities, etc.
- 2007 - as one of the measures of national implementation of the Directive 2004/23/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council (on setting standards of quality and safety for the donation, procurement, testing, processing, preservation, storage and distribution of human tissues and cells) Lithuanian Ministry of Health assigns NTB to act as Competent Authority in the field of donation and transplantation of human tissues and cells. Since then the Bureau changed its name from the original „National Bureau on Organ Transplantation“ to current more generic „National Transplant Bureau“.
- 2008 - Bureau participated in the training program on organ donation (ETPOD) and organized training seminars, attended by about 240 Lithuanian medical personnel.
- 2009 - Lithuania joined the European organ exchange organization EOEO.
- 2010 - Bureau signed a cooperation agreement with the International Fund Eurotransplant.
- 2010 June - 2012 December, Bureau participated in an international project COORENOR.
- 2011 January - 2012 June, Bureau participated in an international project MODE.
- Since 2012 May Bureau participates in an international project ACCORD. The project will last 36 months and the completion is scheduled in 2015 April.
- Since 2013 May Bureau takes part in an international project FOEDUS. The project will last 36 months and the completion is scheduled in 2016 April.
Last updated: 26-11-2023