Law of the Republic of Lithuania on the Donation and Transplantation of Human Tissues, Cells and Organs“ (Official state news (Žin.), 1996, No.116 - 2696; 2000, No. 1 - 2, 2006, No. 119-4545, 2013-11-23, No. 120-6057).
Minister of Health of The Republic of Lithuania Order Approving the Description of Procedures for the Provision of and Reimbursement for Liver Transplantation (Žin., 2010, Nr. 13-657 (version in english), 2010, Nr. 64-3184, 2011, Nr. 162-7691, TAR, 2014-12-31, Nr. 21121, TAR, 2015-03-26, Nr. 4307
Minister of Health of The Republic of Lithuania Order Approving the Rules for Scheduled and Unscheduled Inspections of Personal Healthcare Institutions Providing Human Cell, Tissue and Organ Donation and Transplantation Services (TAR, 2014-07-07, Nr.9861 (version in english)).